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My name is Cheryl but I am perhaps better known as "ferylgirl". I am a writer of many kinds of poetry, screenplays, articles, short stories.

I moderate an online community of more than 400 writers, editors, publishers artists and musicians. You can find the link to Australia The World Wordsmiths below.

I have created this site to offer some information, tips and hints on writing and perhaps an insight or two on who I am.

I am sure you will find something here to amuse, bemuse, interest or inspire you.



Yes the pic is small.. I will get a better one soon. But it gives you an idea of what I look like!
Site Updates
As my site grows and changes I will be listing the changes here. So bookmark this page now! SO you can find me again.


Upcoming Project

Opportunity knocks but once they say! An opportunity has come my way to launch myself on the literary world as a publisher! A very exciting and scary prospect for me and the literary world!

Not having had a great deal of experience in publishing but a trainful of enthusiasm I am throwing myself into learning all I can and working on a business plan to keep it all on track.

Like all new opportunities there is much to learn and much to do in a short space of time to make the most of it. With skills to acquire and information to glean I will be a very busy feryl!

I will keep you all posted on this as new developments arise.


Please do check each page for the regular updates!

Each page will grow and develop as my ideas and information changes.

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As time draws nearer to the publishing business kick off

Information on book release dates, launches and special events will be displayed here.

Mike's Night Sky
This is my son Michael's early attempts at digital art. I think it is worthy of a space here.
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