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ferylgirl is a left handed, brilliant, healed, caring creative person. She resides in a house that's too big with her three beautiful children and the requisite cat & dog. ferylgirl is 38, single and self educated. She likes her children, good friends, and all the wonderful members of Australia The World Wordsmiths yahoo group. She likes to paint, garden, write, bake, and have fun. She hates housework.

Behind The Woman Behind the Site
Right behind the woman behind the site are her beautiful children Tezza, Mike, & Chezza.

Tezza is pulling a face at Mum's back. Mike's water pistol is fully loaded and waiting for Mum to turn around and Chezza is making rabbit ears behind Mum's head.

"Cut that out you lot this is serious!"

The Kids
Tezza, is 15 and a very pretty girl with a great sense of humour. She delights everyone with her cheeky smile and pleasant ways. She loves her family, music, and swimming.

Chezza is 14 has bright blue eyes and is very creative. She is very grown up for her age and is a delight to all who meet her. She is a great poet and a gentle soul.

Mike is 13 handsome and is very intelligent. He is a whopping six feet tall and towers over everyone. He is known at school as the Gentle Giant because of his caring manner.

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