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What is New with My Life?

Life is always a neat cross between a merry-go-round and a ferris wheel.

My two younger children have decided to fly the coop and next year will be (hopefully) starting at a boarding school. (So soon??)

That will leave me and Tezza at home to torment one another. Which we shall enjoy tremendously!

I have made and met many dear friends over the Internet and in real-time too. Life is scooting along at quite a pace and I am enjoying it!

What is New with My Writing

My new adventure involves a whole lot more than writing and I am in the throes of  drawing up a business plan for a publishing business. Having no idea what one of these looks like i am sure to invent some new ways of doing this and have a lot of fun too.

I am developing a whole stack of ideas I have for screenplays.

I am writing poetry a little more often now.

I am having a lot of fun and learning a lot about writing while I moderate Australia The World Wordsmiths